In a day where technology is racing along at the speed of light and publishing houses are playing the odds on e-books—while scrambling to stay one step ahead of the Twilight-Hunger Games audience, I’m here to make a public proclamation: There still exist those real-life author fairy tales Hallmark movies are made from. A dream is a wish … [Read more...]
A First For Me
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2 As a first time mom, there wasn’t anywhere I went without words of been-there-done-that-wisdom showered on me. Grocery stores, the cleaners, sidelines at my kid’s sports events, all became classrooms for colic, ear infections, and potty training lessons. I … [Read more...]
MOPS Conference – Nashville – Are you coming?
Our family is preparing for our cross-country road trip to Nashville. Destination? The MOPS International Convention at the Grand Ole' Opry! I can't wait. We were in Nashville last fall and loved it. Did I say loved it? I'm sorry. I meant to say, WE LOVED IT! National author and speaker, Kathi Lipp, has taken me and adorable new-mommy author, … [Read more...]
Grace Café Just Too Busy author Joanne Kraft – CWA Radio | Blog Talk Radio
For those of you who missed it, I've included a link to my interview over at Grace Cafe. Once I can figure out how to post it to my sidebar, I'll be overjoyed! If you listen closely, you can hear my cell phone go off. Lesson learned. Grace Café Just Too Busy author Joanne Kraft 06/20 by CWA Radio | Blog Talk Radio. … [Read more...]
My Book is Here!
Look what showed up at my house on Friday! Oh glorious day! I've been a blubbery mess ever since. It's been pathetic, I walk around the house and even run my errands with a book in my hand. It's like my writer-binky. I wish I could convey the joy when I walked outside to discover these books waiting for me. Words fail me. (Okay, you know … [Read more...]