When my kids were really small I remember counting the days until summer was over. It's entirely possible that I made paper chains and tore one off every morning with my cup of coffee. This photo on the right is an oldy but a goody from 2007. It was taken by my husband. You can tell by the 14ft of space above my head. This is my reaction after … [Read more...]
Gratitude – 40 Days of Encouragement
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpSxEWXE_mo A grateful heart comes from a thankful heart.(Tweet this.) For years, this has been a favorite song of mine this time of year. I only listen to it in the fall. It soothes my soul and brings peace to my heart. A prayer set to a soft melody. I played it over and over while preparing this post for … [Read more...]
Christian Marriage and Finances
In California, where I live, our state leads the nation in foreclosures and unemployment. Just this week, another business fell victim to our economy and made headline news—they shut their doors and let eleven hundred people go. Think about that for a minute, one thousand one hundred families affected. No doubt the anxiety level in their homes … [Read more...]
A First For Me
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2 As a first time mom, there wasn’t anywhere I went without words of been-there-done-that-wisdom showered on me. Grocery stores, the cleaners, sidelines at my kid’s sports events, all became classrooms for colic, ear infections, and potty training lessons. I … [Read more...]
The secret language of seven year old boys…
Words have power. It doesn't take long for a woman to realize that. Words like fat, ugly or even nag, can change our moods rather quickly. But what words can a woman hear to make her move immediately into a Homeland Security red alert mode and take action? Are there words that can make us gals do things that we would never in a million years think … [Read more...]