Encouraging women is a passion of mine. Whether in front of a crowd or sitting together one on one– I’m thankful for every God given opportunity.
As much as I love to encourage and inspire others, I believe igniting the heart is only possible through the love of Jesus Christ. He is my reason for living and loving and I pray each message honors and glorifies Him.
I’ve included speaking topics I’d love to share below, as well as a speaker form for you to fill out, but I believe the Lord is more than faithful to inspire a specific message especially for your women’s conference.
I look forward to hearing from you and pray for the opportunity to encourage your ministry up close and personal with the love of Christ.
In His love,
There is a common affliction known to moms today; A.D.D. – Activity Denial Disorder. The prog-nosis is good and the treatment sounds simple enough – slowing down. The first step to recov-ery is recognizing you are sick to begin with. Joanne Kraft is a recovering A.D.D. mom herself. Her family of six took a twelve month activity time-out. Some called it their radical sabbatical. Find ways to uncover time-stealers in your life and explore peaceful possibilities. Be inspired by the Kraft family’s journey from busy to blessed.
Focus: Encouragement for busy women. Scripture: John 10:10
There’s a place where we all meet Jesus. That moment we come to the end of ourselves and wonder, Is there really a God? Does he really love me? Joanne Kraft wanted nothing much to do with God most of her life. That is, until she came to the end of herself and finally let God take His rightful place in her heart. The restoration was hard and so worth it, and the blessings of adven-ture and peace that have followed are enough to keep her wanting more of Him every day.
Focus: Hope for the hurting and true identity in Christ. Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19
He Makes All Things New
Joanne Kraft met her husband Paul over a homicide call while working at a busy police depart-ment. He was a police officer and she was the 911 dispatcher. Be inspired by the testimony of Joanne’s life. She was a spiritual late-bloomer and surrendered her shattered life over to Jesus a little later than most. Discover how the Lord is patient as He waits for us. Be encouraged about the late-bloomers in your own life. Learn how His promises are new every day. Women will leave grateful knowing our history is His-story.
Focus: Personal Testimony.
Scripture: Revelation 21:5
A Mom After God’s Own Heart
When Joanne Kraft brought home her first precious, pink, squirming bundle of joy, she had no idea how tough mothering would be. Four children later, with one now in college, she has earned her undergraduate-mom-degree. “God’s word is the best parenting book around.” She likes to say. But, what does God really say about being a mom? Joanne shares lots of laughs through the mishaps and mountaintop moments of her mothering journey.
Focus: godly mothering
Scripture: Proverbs 31:28
Forward Faith
Too many of us allow our past to hold us back. Fear and anxiety are the twins of pain that bul-ly us into believing we can’t move forward. God tells us not to remember the former things. Be encouraged by Joanne’s testimony and discover how fear no longer has it’s grip on her. As a recovering control-freak, she knows the only way to live a victorious life in Christ is to surren-der her will for His. Laugh as she shares how a polygraph test was her reminder of God’s promise to never look back.
Focus: Faith moves forward, not back. Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19
Radical Adventure
Radical. That word turns some people off. Jesus was radical. Do you know the word also means revolutionary? Discover how to live the radical adventure of faith the Lord has mapped out for you. Radical for you might mean having joy replace discouragement or hope that burns bright again. Learn how the Kraft family took a cross-country leap of faith from Califor-nia to Tennessee and traded guacamole for grits. Leave inspired about your next adventure.
Focus: Inspire bold faith and revolutionary Christianity.
Scripture: Luke 1:45