I told you from the beginning that these forty days would include a few craft ideas and fattening recipes.
I’m keeping my word today. So, in order to feel a little peace around Thanksgiving, it might be a good idea to make something special with the kids BEFORE you put out the dip and chips and turn on football for the guys.
This craft is an easy one and easy on the pocket book. You can put it together for under $20.
All you need is: some colored paints, a white piece of poster board, a marker and a frame.
Paint the palm of your child’s hand with some brown paint (I got mine at Michael’s in the fabric paint section.) and then let them dab their fingers in the colored paints of their choice. Press against the poster board and let dry. Use a marker to write “God Bless Our Turkeys”” and whalla! Instant family heirloom.
Me and the kids made this one five years ago. It comes out every fall season and like any piece of artwork done by my children- its value multiplies with each passing year.
We could do this! Great idea. I had all the turkeys here on Monday. Should have done it then, but I think we were all arguing about things.