Any mom worth her weight in diapers knows the first words we teach our child are thank you. I can still see my chubby toddlers taking cookies from the hand of their great-grandma and quickly walking away. No matter which child it was, they were NOT predisposed to use the two words we'd rehearsed for months. I'd scoop each one up and bring them … [Read more...]
The One Thing I Do Every Sunday Morning – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
"Look both ways before crossing the street." "Eat your carrots." "Did you say thank you?" I've said these words more than I care to admit. I try to be faithful in teaching my kids the importance of safety, good health and proper manners. And of God's blueprint for their lives. Selflessness, obedience, defense of the weak — over the years, we've … [Read more...]
The One Thing Every Marriage Needs To Survive – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:9 There's quite a few elements that create a great marriage. But, there's one thing that's tantamount to a successful and thriving relationship. Believe it or not, it's got nothing to do with how much money you have or how old you are. It's even simpler than that. What does your … [Read more...]