Any mom worth her weight in diapers knows the first words we teach our child are thank you. I can still see my chubby toddlers taking cookies from the hand of their great-grandma and quickly walking away. No matter which child it was, they were NOT predisposed to use the two words we'd rehearsed for months. I'd scoop each one up and bring them … [Read more...]
The One Thing I Do Every Sunday Morning – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
"Look both ways before crossing the street." "Eat your carrots." "Did you say thank you?" I've said these words more than I care to admit. I try to be faithful in teaching my kids the importance of safety, good health and proper manners. And of God's blueprint for their lives. Selflessness, obedience, defense of the weak — over the years, we've … [Read more...]
Stop Fearing and Step Out – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
I'm 48 years old. That means my days of daydreaming about what I want to be when I grow up are dimming a tiny bit. Miraculous stories of people who go back to college while living in a rest home do exist but they're not the norm. Since I'm overwhelmingly average, I doubt I'll be getting my doctorate anytime soon. It's not that I don't believe … [Read more...]
The Blessing of Obedience — 30 Days of Fall Devotions
There are days Paul and I drive along country roads and exclaim, "We get to live here." Sometimes it's a question exhaled in a blanket of gratefulness, "We get to live here?" Still amazed at what the Lord is doing with our lives and in the lives of our children here in Tennessee. I wonder to myself so often , What if we'd ignored God? What if … [Read more...]
The Fragrance of Fall – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
Fall. It's a season that colors the world and has a smell all its own. The fragrance of fall is an intoxicating mix of simmering cinnamon sticks and cloves on my stovetop, or the heady scent of bubbling apple cobbler baking. My sister, Amy, was visiting a few weeks ago and we were browsing through boutiques downtown when I handed her a yummy … [Read more...]
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