Are you trusting Jesus with your child's God story? I'm honored to be a guest contributor over at The MOB Society today. Stop by and find out how the Prayers of a heartsick mother are never ignored. If your patience and perseverance are hanging by a worn thread, God’s promises remain stronger than ever. Share this post with a friend in … [Read more...]
Resources for YOUR War Room "Can I ask you how much you pray for your husband?" I squirmed in my seat when I watched that scene. I don't want to give anything away, but the last scene before the closing credits--when the elderly woman is praying? Yeah, I was a blubbering mess. I'm not one of those adorable girls who weep and make … [Read more...]
Blog Trolls…Do you have one?
(In case you're wondering, this is most definitely a PMS-induced post. ANY SIMILARITY TO ACTUAL EVENTS OR CHARACTERS IS NOT COINCIDENTAL .)Ok girls, since it's coming up on two years since I began this journey called blogging, I have been reflecting on the good, the bad, and yes, the ugly.It got me to thinking about trolls.Do you have one? Hmmm, … [Read more...]
Our First Time
Prayer has been on my mind lately...alot.Maybe because my husband and I have been praying together more than we ever have before. The hardships of life have brought us to our knees. Financial difficulties, working in the world and raising children, have a way of bringing that posture upon Christians. Prayer has been what we have slowly begun to … [Read more...]
"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear (endure,carry) one another's burdens, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ."...rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer..Romans 12:12 nkjvRecently I have been blessed to be a small part of a wonderful online opportunity. Two blogging friends of mine have started … [Read more...]