I'm 48 years old. That means my days of daydreaming about what I want to be when I grow up are dimming a tiny bit. Miraculous stories of people who go back to college while living in a rest home do exist but they're not the norm. Since I'm overwhelmingly average, I doubt I'll be getting my doctorate anytime soon. It's not that I don't believe … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Paul and I were visiting a nearby church this morning. We are kid-less, so we decided to head down the hill and listen to one of our favorite pastors, Louis Neeley. As he stepped up to the podium, he began, "Today I feel led to take a break from Romans and share what I feel the Lord has put on my heart. Our Calling."He shared 2 Corinthians … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Yesterday our church service was AWESOME. It was one of those Sunday services where you could not deny the presence of the Holy Spirit. I told Paul I wanted to stick around for second service too!Our pastor was teaching in first Peter. The scripture He focused on was 1 Peter 2:7, "Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious..."He exhorted us to … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
So, what about you? How are you growing? What have you been learning about our great and marvelous God? Did your Bible study hit home recently? Or, maybe your pastor or a friend shared a scripture that spoke right to your heart? Share it on Growing UP! Monday. Please share the love and add the above button to your site with a link back to … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Welcome everybody! I thought it would be fun to start a weekly meme called "Growing UP! Monday". I have my new button, so make sure to copy it to your site.I thought it would be fun to check in with other sisters around the world and see what we are learning in each of our churches on Sunday mornings or in our weekly Bible studies.We are the body … [Read more...]