Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
For years, I worked as a 911 dispatcher. Each call held the potential of a new emergency. It’s a job that sure can get the blood pumping. The one thing I found in common with each high-stress call was the level of chaos I’d have to work through to get a caller to answer questions I needed before I could send help.
The more upset they were, the more distracted they were and the more distracted they were the more I’d purposely speak calmly and even softly—because two people screaming into a phone wouldn’t help anyone.
A caller would have to focus on what I was saying—more than on what was happening around them. It was critical to helping their situation. For the more extreme callers, the ones who were almost hysterical, I’d gently remind them, “Listen to me.” “Focus on what I’m saying right now.”
It’s a lot like how the Lord has to get my attention. With constant distractions in my life, it’s easy to be pulled in a dozen different directions. When things become chaos and I cry out to the Lord for help, it’s His still small voice I need to focus on and listen for.
The first part of Hebrews 12:2 reminds us to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. That’s all we need to do. Look to Him. Focus on Him. Ignore the distractions and look to Him with an impenetrable focus. Then listen for His calming encouragement. Our hysterical rants and exhausting anxieties put our eyes on our problems. This only leads to fear and anxiety. Take a minute and take a deep breath. Focus on Jesus.
- Who do you seek first when chaos hits? If the Lord isn’t your answer, why not?
- Is there something (or someone) distracting you from focusing on Christ?
- Make a point to focus in silence this week. It makes it much easier to hear His still small voice.
In His Love,
Thank you, Joanne, for reminding me to listen, even in the chaos. Great insight!
Thanks Joni!