Our family was driving somewhere along the freeway in Kansas when I picked up messages from my phone. “Hi Joanne, it’s Kathi. Give me a call when you get a chance.” Kathi sounded a little excited about something, in a good way. So, I patiently waited until my phone had at least two-bars and gave her a call back.
The good news she wanted to share? She’d talked with the producer of Focus on the Family and gotten me an interview scheduled with them next Saturday. “Are you kidding me!?” I screamed. All of a sudden, being cooped up in our Suburban felt like I’d been shaken like a can of soda and wanted to explode.
Kathi has to be one of the most self-LESS author/speakers I know. It’s been a pleasure getting to work with her and my buddy and gifted author-Erin. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to help these girls out.
“I’ll get back to you about the details. They’re trying to work out their interview times with Amy Grant.” She shared.
Are you kidding me? Amy Grant?
So…next Saturday, I’ll be sitting down for a 30-minute interview at the Grand Ole’ Opry with Focus on the Family. Kathi, Erin, Melodie & me…guess who’s scheduled for an interview after me? Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife.
Oh goodness, I hope I can keep it together.
Which leads me into the most important question of all…WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!?
Joanne!! This is so, so, so exciting!! How can I tune in??
Thanks Katie, but I’m not sure yet. That would probably be something I should ask, huh?
Thanks Katie! Not sure yet. But, I’ll put the word out when I know. :O)
Yes…you ARE one so blessed! I am so HAPPY for you! You are indeed the marketing maven. I know Kathy intervened to help, but you made the connection to Kathy. You are my MM hero.
Thanks Chris!!!
That’s like a Bucket List dream. Well done!
Me too, Carrie. Your time is coming my friend, your time is coming!!!
Hi Joanne,
Your post made me smile. Wear jewel tones! 🙂
(Don’t wear solid white, cream, black or stripes! It messes with the cameras.) I’ll let you know when all this will release, but in the meantime, our little show can be found at http://www.YourFamilyLive.com.
See you Saturday. 🙂
Joanne…I am SO proud of you!!!
Thanks sweet friend. xo
This is awesome! What a great tool for God to use to get the message out. I’m overcome with joy when I think of all the families that will be impacted because you listened to God and followed His leading–both in taking a Radical Sabbatical and in sharing with others how they can too. Keep walking by faith my friend!
So happy for you my friend! This is just amazing! Many will be and have already been blessed by your concept of taking their families on a radical sabbatical. It’s so important for families to get to know each other again. You’ve unlocked a huge tool for them to use – obedience to our Dad. Have fun, my friend. hugs xo
Thanks Katie! Wish I could hug you.
Congratulations, Joanne! How very exciting. I wish you poise, confidence, and self-restraint. Well, I know I’d need the last one if I were to see a celebrity like Stephen Curtis Chapman. =)
I know, right? I’ll try not to drool or trip over something! haha
I am SO happy for you, Joanne! WOW!!!!! Enjoy every minute of it; you will do great!
By the way, I love your new site (the pink is gorgeous!)