Samuel, our youngest, has been struggling with making friends out here in Tennessee. He's lived his long, long life of eleven and a half years in California. He's never had to make friends before. They were collected as he grew, some from preschool, others from grammar school and more from soccer and baseball. At bedtime he'll … [Read more...]
Fourth Child Syndrome
This morning I had a coffee date with a friend. We'd scheduled and re-scheduled a dozen times already. I refused to change plans again.Of course, this would be the morning Samuel, my youngest, wasn't feeling well.When my first child was a baby, I jumped at the first sign of sniffles. I had the doctor's office number on speed dial, … [Read more...]
A Mom Has Braggin’ Rights!
Do you see this handsome chap below? (The one without the hairy face.) He is my son David. And, today, my heart is overflowing with mom-pride. When friends from Australia encouraged us to come out for a trip last year, we were thrilled. While our hearts screamed, "YES!", our bank accounts screamed, "NO!". "Dad, would you and Mom let me go if I … [Read more...]
The Gravitational Pull of an Eight-Year-Old
It's good to be the baby of the family!So, where are you in the pecking order of your family?(I'm the oldest of four children, three girls and a boy.) … [Read more...]
Call the Police. I’m an Ornament-Felon.
Call 911. I want to turn myself in. My name is Joanne and I am an ornament-felon. My children will be including this sordid chapter of their childhood in their autobiography one day. It's a tradition in our home that each child hangs their own special ornaments. The older you get, the more ornaments you have made and collected over the … [Read more...]