I love being a mom.
But, there’s been moments,okay, maybe years, where I felt like this person with a thousand colorful dreams no longer existed.
I remember thinking, I used to have adult conversations about important things. I used to wear a dress and cute heels. Who is this woman with dark circles under her eyes, in a baggy t shirt and greasy hair?
Who is this stranger in the mirror?
Pour soul.
I was reminded of just how that felt when our pastor shared about Jesus’ Resurrection on Sunday. The words Jesus said to John while dying on the cross, stirred in me a memory of days when I needed a a truckload of encouragement.
Jesus’ Last Will and Testament
The gospel of John in chapter 19 brings us face to face with one of the most disturbing and glorious stories of all — the crucifixion of Christ. As hard as it was for me to watch The Passion of the Christ, the Bible tells us not even Mel Gibson comes close to the reality of that torturous scene. As a matter of fact, Jesus was so beaten and bloodied he was unrecognizable.
Not often do I open my Bible with the desire to read one of the heaviest portions of scripture. It’s such a tough part of the story–but if I can get through the hard parts of Christ’s last hours, it’s the Resurrection that holds me to the page–the portion of the Word of God and the big reveal–the reason I believe He is who He is.
Where God Steals My Mom-Heart
For me, the most tender mother-son moment is exchanged in the crucifixion scene. When Jesus speaks to John about His mother.
How does a mother watcher her son tortured and killed for the benefit of someone else? The crushing weight of creation’s sin suffocates and He thinks on her.
His mother.
She matters to Him.
And, so do you.
Jesus didn’t need to say one word to John. He is God. Mary was in a holy keeping all her days. Her future was sure.
But, our loving God knows a mom like you and me might need to read these words while feeling ridiculously unimportant.
The more we do for our children, the more we wonder if what we’re doing makes any difference at all. If you don’t feel like what you do matters — you might be struggling with your worth.
Famous Last Words
When a loved one dies their last words are the few we desperately hang on to.
That flash of a moment when Jesus tells John to care for His mom is the last conversation He has with loved ones.
Jesus loves His mom. They have a special relationship.
As the oldest son, He is the one who cared for her. It’s up to Him to appoint His replacement. Why wouldn’t He choose one of His brothers (Jude & James) ?
Because John was the best choice.
According to historical accounts, the only apostle to live into old age was John. Historical documents reveal the apostles eventually die of martyrdom. After the miracle of the resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost these once scared followers are believers unto their deaths.
Mary is to live with John. He is the youngest of the apostles. He is the only one not martyred but dies of old age on the Island of Patmos.
Jesus placed His Mom in the best hands.
Jesus has a heart for His mom. He has a heart for all moms.
No words are exchanged between mother and son, but silence is never silent. Jesus publicly proclaims how much He loves His mom and God makes sure it’s recorded for me.
Mom — You Matter
Mom, your day may be rough and you may feel like a photograph once full of vibrant colors now fading into dull grays, but what you do matters.
How much do you matter? Enough for the God of all creation to die for you.
How much of what you’re doing today will be important? Who knows, but as long as you remember your God sees and hears and knows all your needs– you’ll be just fine.
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