Good old Valentine’s Day.
The day single women despise and married women fear.
Unless, of course, you’re my girlfriend Celia. Her husband proposed to her on Valentine’s day. He hid a love letter in a bottle and strategically placed it for her to find on their hike along the Monterey Coast. That was fifteen years ago and every year since he still makes a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. He still writes her love letters every year.
All together now: Aww!
But, if your hubby falls into the category mine does and says things like, “Valentine’s Day is just a ruse by Hallmark.” Or, my favorite, “I don’t need a holiday to remind me to think of you.”
Yeah, well, apparently you do.
If this is the statements you’re used to hearing, my advice today will help.
After seventeen years of marriage, here’s the best valentine’s day advice I can give…
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Don’t expect anything from your man.
Let’s all read that line again.
Don’t expect anything from your man.
Why? Because expectations are what trip a girl up every time. They set us up to think of long stemmed roses and Godiva goodies and then, “Whamo!” we’re in the possession of a stale Butterfinger from the gas station and wondering what the heck happened?
Expectations are a bad attitude of the mind.
God’s Word has this to say about expectations:
My soul, wait thou in silence for God only; For my expectation is from him. – Psalm 62:5
God knows our hearts desire is to be loved and romanced. My guess is your man knows, too. Maybe, if you let your husband off the hook and wait in silence, not passive aggressive silence, but sweet silence–and expect from God, instead, you may be surprised to find that supernatural peace you’re hoping for.
Ask Him to do what He does so well and remind you that no matter what day of the year it is, you’re loved no matter what.
Great Advice! Thank you!