A dear friend and I were hanging out, recently. She reminded me of the words of Jesus in the Book of Matthew, “Freely you have received. Freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
It impacted me more than she knew. To be honest, it was the spark I needed to begin writing again. Writing without fear of man holding me back. Writing for no other reason than to pour out all Jesus has poured in. When you’re a writer or use social media on a day to day basis, it can be easy to fall into the trap of keeping alot of things to yourself. I mean, it’s already been said before, right?
I’ve even come across people who don’t help others make connections, hoarding them, instead. I believe God gives each of us a job to do. Nothing man tries to keep to himself will stop His plans from succeeding. The only one who can halt my own purpose is me, by not exercising the very gifts He has placed in me to do.
When I connect people and it helps their ministry or job goals then I believe that was my part to play in God’s plan all along.
Whether you’re married or single, have a houseful of kids or watch Gilmore Girls reruns with rocky road Haagen Daas, all of us have been given much.
If you’re struggling through a painful patch right now, take a second to breathe in and breathe out. Even you can find a tiny patch in your heart that has received something from someone.
I pondered on this verse a bit and realize there’s not much I don’t do without expectation or hopeful kudos. Making my kids lunch, or like I mentioned on Monday –cleaning out the kitchen pantry, no matter what I do I expect my family to notice. (By the way, Paul STILL hasn’t seen the pantry.)
What if I freely give today without expecting? What if I remembered sacrifices by others that have put me where I am today.
- Parents who cared and nurtured me into adulthood.
- A grandmother who pours her love into me, even at 94yrs old.
- Friends who listen to me drone on and on about the same issues and never tell me put a sock in it.
- Children who love me even when I traumatize them with chores and don’t give in to smartphones.
- A husband who works very hard and lets me do what I love.
- A Savior who loves me so, that He would die in my place…even when He didn’t have to.
Today I’m going to perform an experiment. For 24hrs I plan on giving freely of my time, my energy, my words and my heart. After all, I’ve received much. Care to join me?
This is a great idea, Joanne! Giving freely because God has given freely to us. Often I wonder why am I so fortunate? I don’t have much, but what I have I know has come from Him. We can never pay Him back for all He has given and continues to shower us with…but we can honor those gifts and His actions by repeating them. He is the ultimate example of gifting…His time, His resources, His love. I pray I can be a blessing to others without pointing back to me. I want people to see Jesus. I am nothing without Him. 🙂 Hugs – KT
You are the best example I know of this, Katie. Hands down!