I know summer is officially over when my calendar begins to look like it’s been taken over by a freakishly mad scientist with a spelling problem. Crazy scrawling and odd symbols are beginning to fill my days and months into November already.
What’s up with that?
In the next ten weeks we will be travelling to approximately sixty soccer practices, twenty-four soccer games, at least five birthday parties and three back-to-school nights.
…and a partridge in a pear tree.
My car is already screaming, “Drive me over a cliff take me out of misery, will ya!?!” But with my children showing their ability to balance sixteen half empty Starbuck’s cups and receiving a blue ribbon in prison-wine making, the driving continues.
So, to keep in step with my week of fluff-n-stuff posts, and in honor of the last few days of summer break, I thought I’d share a video that will surely bring a smile to your already tired-mommy faces. Enjoy.