There has not failed one promise that He has promised. 1Kings 8:56 nkjv
Yesterday afternoon I turned on my computer to find an email I’d been anxiously expecting from a publisher. I had submitted my book proposal at their request, the month before. The letter began, “I’m sorry to say that we’re not going to be able to pursue this book.”
I was disappointed. I shared with my husband my discouragement. I even went on to tell him how I’d really thought I’d heard God speak to me when he gave me a promise last year in Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” It seemed to me that God was confirming what I would write, I would speak about. The theme overflowing from my heart was the captivity of activity and the bondage of busyness. So why had my book proposal on the subject been rejected? During my time with the Lord this morning He answered this very question.
After my time in the Word, I opened up my Streams in the Desert devotion book. The verse for today, “There has not failed one promise that He has promised.” 1Kings 8:56 I underlined the words that spoke loudly, almost shouting at me from the pages, “Someday we shall understand that God has a reason in every NO which he speaks through the slow movement of life. Somehow God makes up to us. How often when his people are worrying or perplexing themselves about their prayers not being answered, is God answering them in a far richer way.” I took out my pen and began to underline, “When did God take anything from a man without giving him manifold more in return? Suppose that the return had not been made immediately manifest, what then? Is today the limit of God’s working time?”
Friends, our God is the great promise keeper. What promises has God given to you? He is not bound by our time, twenty four hours in a day, or our twelve months in a year. He is working them out in your life in his own time. He has not forgotten, not a one. Keep the faith. Trust him. Stand on His words to you. Pray them back to God reminding him that you are waiting patiently for them to become manifest in your own life.
And the mountain tops are grey,
And the choicest buds are blighted,
And the blossoms die away,
A loving Father whispers,
“This cometh from my hand”;
Blessed are ye if ye trust
Where ye cannot understand.
Your wealth should fly away
And leave your hands all empty,
And your locks are turning grey,
Remember then your Father
Owns all the sea and land;
Blessed are ye if ye trust
Where ye cannot understand.