Dear Mom-who’s-already-dreading-summer, Does the thought of having all the kids home make you break out into a cold sweat? Are you already dreading soccer practices, swim lessons, and your job as their summer social director? Struggling with feeling like an epic failure because you’re fantasizing about months of doing nothing while your … [Read more...]
It’s gonna be a LLOOONNNNGGG summer.
First day of summer vacation, Samuel decides to write a smiley face on his stomach with Sharpie pen and talk to me through his belly-button all day long.Oh's gonna be a LONG summer. … [Read more...]
Children for sale!
My four little chickadees are now home for the summer. I used to think that with my children out of diapers, not needing to be put down for naps, and with the added blessing of not worrying about leaving chokable items in their reach, my tough parenting days were behind me.Not a chance.I have included for your reading enjoyment, a quick dialogue … [Read more...]