My son was talking to my husband today at the coffee shop. I thought I would let you listen in on a quick snippet of their conversation:David: Hey Dad, you know what I want to do one day?Dad: Funny, I was sitting here just thinking to myself, "What do you want to do one day?"David: Well, one day, I want to have a $100 bill on me when I … [Read more...]
Are You Listening Mr. Dressing-Room Mirror?
Dear Mr. Dressing-Room Mirror,Your behavior this evening was completely unacceptable. I have never been so humiliated in all my life. Who do you think you are? I do have feelings you know. We need to come to an understanding, you and I. You work for the department store and the department store works for me. Get it? That means you need to be doing … [Read more...]
I Have To Share!
I snagged this from Travis Cottrell's blog tonight...and I just have to share.Beth, make sure you show this to Julia!Let me know what you think! … [Read more...]
How cool are you?
Our son Samuel is seven years old. He's in the second grade.I found this in his backpack... ...quite the over-achiever, don't ya think? … [Read more...]