"Have you started your next book?" "What are you going to write now?" "Have any future book ideas?"It's only been a few months since I hit the send button and launched my manuscript across state lines and into the hands of my editor - already the questions are coming fast and furious. Friends and family want to know if I'm working on my next book. … [Read more...]
The Life of an Almost-Author
I have a new found respect for modern day writers. Ok, I'm playing it way too cool here. Truth: I regard them as the superheroes of our time.What made me think that completing a manuscript was the hardest part? Where in the wide world of sports did my mind spin out a belief like that? Future authors listen up; marketing is a BIG part of the … [Read more...]
Manuscript Launched!
At 11:18pm last night, 53,521 words were launched into cyberspace. Their destination? Two computers—one in an office in Kansas City, the other in Colorado Springs. My manuscript now awaits the eyes of my editor and agent. Oddly enough, a feeling of relief hasn’t hit me yet. Maybe because I know this is far from over…really only the … [Read more...]
Five Ways to Drive Your Husband Crazy with Your Writing
When it comes to writing, my husband and I are unequally yoked. Where was the pastor during our premarital counseling on that one? No matter what trivial or microscopically mundane life experience- I want to write about it. Writing, on the other hand, is not something that occurs to Paul. He just isn't wired that way. You … [Read more...]
Meet the Author
Welcome to Blessed...I'm so happy you stopped by. There's so much I'd love to share with you. (Much more than my husband would appreciate.) I chose the name of my blog Blessed... because it's how I view my life: as one so blessed. The word blessed means divine favor and that's exactly what I receive from the Lord every single day.I began … [Read more...]