Who is Your Elizabeth?
As a third grader, my teacher made the big mistake of sitting me next to one of my girlfriends. It wasn’t long after that I rightfully earned the nickname gabby. What did she expect? It’s no secret that us gals are relational. Get a group of women together and we will talk and talk and talk and talk. We can’t help it, it is how God wired us. When I have something big happen in my life, after talking to my husband, my next impulse is to call my girlfriend Celia, my Elizabeth.
When Jesus’ mother Mary, was given the biggest news of her life, she had no husband to confide in. Her first instinct after her visit from Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, was to immediately go out and seek Godly counsel from her cousin Elizabeth. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. Luke 1:38-40 NIV
Mary didn’t wast any time, she rushed right over to Elizabeth. Throughout the joys and sorrows of my own life, I have hurried to my very own Elizabeth. My dear friend Celia has been beside me when the heartaches of cancer and divorce painfully touched my life and once again stood by my side to share the joys of my remarriage and the births of my children.
As a Christian woman, who is your Elizabeth? Who do you rush to in a hurry? Who do you seek for Godly counsel? If you don’t have a Godly woman of your very own, ask God to put one in your life.
Mary rushing to Elizabeth touches my heart. She was a real young woman with a burning desire to share with her cousin and friend all that had just happened to her. I just love that. The Bible tells us that Mary lived with Elizabeth for three months.
No doubt they were talking and talking and talking and talking…