Do you have any pet peeves? I have quite a few. Rachelle Gardner asked this same question a few days ago but with a twist. I thought I’d play along. Plus, you are such a neat group of gals, I just know you’ll make me hoot n’ holler.
Lets see, where to start? I’ll just give you a few. Don’t want you to know just how many I have.
* Women in grocery stores who park their carts in the middle of the aisle and walk away.
* People who make a mistake and can’t admit it.
* Commercials and TV shows where children are smarter than their parents.
* Parents who feel compelled to be their kids social directors.
* People who call the police and want to remain anonymous.
* Adults who still blame their parents.
* Churches who feel compelled to fun-up their faith and dumb-down God’s Word.
* Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.
* Purses that eat pens and dryers that eat socks.
But, hands down, my biggest pet peeve of all time is when I finally sit down to eat after making plates for my own family – inevitably I am asked for a bite of my sandwich, a sip of my drink, or a taste of my chips.
I videotaped this phenomena and have posted it for you below for your viewing pleasure. This is my husband and I trying to eat fish. My children are the ones in white with the long beaks, er, uh…noses.