A few years ago, God gave me a promise. He whispered these words to my soul and spoke them softly into my heart.
My heart is overflowing with a good theme.
I recite my composition concerning the King.
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
Psalm 45:1
There was going to be something I wrote, something I spoke about concerning the Lord. I still had my doubts. But in faith when He asked me to believe, I did. Blessed is she who believed what the Lord said to her would be accomplished. Luke 1:45 With each door He opened I held my breath, grabbed His hand and walked through.
As a writer, rejection is common. But, my God is not. Being a nobody to the world doesn’t matter. I am a somebody to Him. Years after His promise to me there has been fruit; magazine articles, editors and authors I can call friends, and the faith to continue.
My book is now being looked at by two publishing houses. Friends, please pray for His will in this.The Radical Sabbatical – Break Free from the Bondage of Busyness and the Captivity of Activity will be published in His time.
Until then, I will keep saying Yes, and enjoy this amazing journey.
What promise has He given you? What have you said yes to lately?