In a quick phone call this morning, my friend Dana excitedly shared a little of what the Lord is doing in her life. Her active faith was extremely contagious. The word contagious means easily transmitted and spread from one person to another. Yep, her joy was truly something she passed on to me this morning. Quite literally the word contagious means; communicable by contact. Through any act of communication, whether it be an email, a coffee date, or even a telephone call, believing God and His word is very, very contagious. Through my contact with my friend this morning my faith was overflowing, my spiritual batteries recharged. Active faith has a way of doing that to us Christians.
I just had to share her story with you.
After returning from a women’s conference, a dear friend of Dana’s emailed her a scripture. Dana just knew that this was a word to her from the Lord. This verse out of the book of Joshua seemed to jump off of her computer screen and speak right to her heart. She answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me land in the south, give me also springs of water.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs. Joshua 15:19
A little while later, she came accross this very verse while in her daily reading. Dana didn’t know exactly what the Lord was trying to say to her but she believed God would show her in His time. Meanwhile, through the trials to come, she continued to hang on to His word.
After two months of open houses, real estate ups and downs and an offer way below their already low asking price, a young Christian couple stepped forward to purchase their house. The Lord granted their family’s hearts desire and found them an amazing cottage home on acreage to purchase as their own.
While walking the new property with the prior owner, Dana saw what looked like a tiny trickle of water coming from the hill above their new home. “Where is this water coming from?” The previous owner replied, “This water is from a year round spring that runs from the top of the property all the way to the bottom of the property.”
“So He gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.” Joshua 15:19(b)
God’s word to her had been fulfilled.
Is there a scripture that the Lord has given you? Memorize it, repeat it, grasp it, cling to it, hold on and hang on…He will fulfill it.
“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45