Do you remember the children’s cartoon “Little Bear”? My two older kids loved that TV show. One of the things that this little bear would often say to his friends duck and owl was, “You never know where your kite might take you.”
My husband and I picked up on those words and now say them to our own children and even to each other from time to time. The longer I am a Christian, the more I am beginning to believe that there may have actually been a bit of wisdom gleened from the hours and hours that “Little Bear” played upon my television screen. Now don’t laugh, if God can speak through donkeys, He can surely speak through an animated brown bear!
Last year I ended up taking a sabbatical from pretty much everything I had been involved in. From outside activities to ministry, God gave me a break. Little did I know that when He made me lie to lie down in these green pastures, the Lord was forcing me to sit still. I was no longer running around like a circus clown with her bum on fire. What I saw as a spiritual time-out from God, was instead a place of rest, a year long day-spa of quiet, so that I could clearly hear His still small voice.
And hear His voice I did.
Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” was the verse that has been coming up over and over again since last Spring. My desire to write and speak for Him has been a desire I have had for a long time. Whether it takes one, five, twenty or even forty years to come to fruition, I am going to put my God given desires and gifts in His hands. I will keep stepping out as opportunities arise, but the rest is up to Him.
Add to that the miracle of winning the “Laced With Grace” blog contest. I am receiving a $250 scholarship to the sold out “She Speaks” the Proverbs 31 Ministries Writing/Speaking conference and this girl is beginning to feel confirmation that I am meant to step out and take a cross country flight in June.
When I taught the teenage girls at church this last Sunday I asked them to think of the talent, special gifting or heartfelt desire each one of them had. One young woman said she loved to sing, another said that she loved spending time with children, another said that she loved horses. I reminded them that once they put aside what ‘they’ wanted to do with those things, and like the words to that Christian song, once they “opened the eyes of their heart” to what God would have them do with those special desires, they could never begin to imagine what God had for their lives.
So, what gifts or desires have you buried deep inside your heart? Have your God-given gifts been smothered by the busyness of life? Start praying about them today.
Friends, you can’t dream dreams big enough for what God has for your lives. Put all of your tomorrows in His hands and see that all things are possible for those of us who believe.
With God, you never know where your kite might take you.