You know that myth about writers not showering and staying in their pj’s while surviving on coffee and cold cereal?
All true.
My family hasn’t had my full attention in days. Laser focus only exists when I’m looking at my Word document. Even if you do catch a glance from me, my thoughts are entangled around words or solid points I want to lay on a page.
Yesterday, Paul came in to check on me. Apparently, my matted hair and unwashed scent had him a little concerned. “How about I take you out to lunch?”
“I just can’t. So much left to write. What was I thinking? This deadline is brutal.” Tears soon followed.
Holy Carriage or Coffin?
This morning I read this:
And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon a heap. (Joshua 3:13).
Brave Levites! Who can help admiring them, to carry the Ark right into the stream; for the waters were not divided till their feet dipped in the water (ver. 15). God had not promised aught else.
God honors faith. “Obstinate faith,” that the PROMISE sees and “looks to that alone.” You can fancy how the people would watch these holy men march on, and some of the bystanders would be saying, “You would not catch me running that risk! Why, man, the ark will be carried away!” Not so; “the priests stood firm on dry ground.” We must not overlook the fact that faith on our part helps God to carry out His plans. “Come up to the help of the Lord.”
The Ark had staves for the shoulders. Even the Ark did not move of itself; it was carried. When God is the architect, men are the masons and laborers. Faith assists God. It can stop the mouth of lions and quench the violence of fire. It yet honors God, and God honors it.
Oh, for this faith that will go on, leaving God to fulfill His promise when He sees fit! Fellow Levites, let us shoulder our load, and do not let us look as if we were carrying God’s coffin. It is the Ark of the living God! Sing as you march towards the flood!
–Thomas Champness
Friends, what gift has God given you, what ministry has He laid on your shoulders? Marriage? Motherhood? Your career? Church Leadership? They only become burdens when we lean on our own strength. God doesn’t ask us to be his pack mule. He never asks us to shoulder the weight of any task, but to be a vessel He can pour out.
You are a holy carriage for the Ark of the Living God not a coffin to trudge from task to task. If our burdens are heavy it’s because we’re leaning on our own strength. Lean on Him today. He is alive and waiting to do what you cannot–but only what He can.
We must have been reading the same devotional. I’ve been lapping up the waters of the Jordan all day. All too often, I’m like the Israelites in that I make haste through the Jordan (4:10) for fear of the impending waters that might come crashing down over me. Often, the river crossing feels like death on the front side of obedience. But to get into the middle of it and feel the adrenaline, the gift of faith in action? Well, that’s where the real fun begins. You’re in it, sister. And the view from where I’m sitting is awesome. Very soon, you’ll see it as well. For now, just take my word on it. Take God’s as well.
All for the kingdom. Keep to it!