Paul and I were visiting a nearby church this morning. We are kid-less, so we decided to head down the hill and listen to one of our favorite pastors, Louis Neeley. As he stepped up to the podium, he began, "Today I feel led to take a break from Romans and share what I feel the Lord has put on my heart. Our Calling."He shared 2 Corinthians … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Growing UP! Monday. It's time to get back into the swing of things! How are you growing? What are you learning?Ok, I'll go first...How am I growing? Well, I can tell you this, my marriage is growing. We recently attended A Weekend to Remember marriage conference. It was our gift to one another for our anniversary this year.I know. I know. Crazy … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Yesterday our church service was AWESOME. It was one of those Sunday services where you could not deny the presence of the Holy Spirit. I told Paul I wanted to stick around for second service too!Our pastor was teaching in first Peter. The scripture He focused on was 1 Peter 2:7, "Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious..."He exhorted us to … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Recently, I've enjoyed the company of older Christians. When I first met some of these people I immediately judged them.I know. Not my job. Sadly, it's the part-time job I ask forgiveness for more often than I care to admit.After scratching the surface in our conversations, what I first took for weak faith I discovered instead to be quiet faith. … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
We are going through 1Peter at our church. Our pastor spoke on holiness and what it means to be holy. A life set-apart for Christ is the first step towards our holy priesthood.There are lots of ways we can set apart our lives for Him. Reading the Bible and going to church are only a few of them. How about what TV shows we watch, what friends we … [Read more...]