We were in the gospel of Luke today, learning about the "WHY" of Christmas. It made me think of a question someone recently asked me, "Do you think of the birth of Christ as a story or a message?"How do you think of the birth of Jesus? … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
Growing UP! Monday. It's time to get back into the swing of things! How are you growing? What are you learning?Ok, I'll go first...How am I growing? Well, I can tell you this, my marriage is growing. We recently attended A Weekend to Remember marriage conference. It was our gift to one another for our anniversary this year.I know. I know. Crazy … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
I'm a bit behind in putting up my post today. It's almost lunchtime for many of you on the east coast!As you can see, timeliness is not one of my strong points. Nor is order or organization for that matter. As a time-manager - I would have been fired years ago. I'm pathetic.Distraction is the first step to my disorder. Just like the mosquito in the … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
So, what about you? How are you growing? What have you been learning about our great and marvelous God? Did your Bible study hit home recently? Or, maybe your pastor or a friend shared a scripture that spoke right to your heart? Share it on Growing UP! Monday. Please share the love and add the above button to your site with a link back to … [Read more...]
Growing UP! Monday
So, what about you? How are you growing? What have you been learning about our great and marvelous God? Did your Bible study hit home recently? Or, maybe your pastor or a friend shared a scripture that spoke right to your heart? Share it on Growing UP! Monday. Please share the love and add the above button to your site with a link back to … [Read more...]