It’s official. Less than twenty four hours from now The Busy Mom Bulletin will launch.
Are you one of my first edition subscribers? I sure hope so!
Spoiler Alert: If you subscribed you’ll receive your May edition tomorrow.
In my newsletter you’ll find my column “Go Ask Your Mother…”.
The spotlight is on author, Erin Macpherson this month. She is the author of quite a few books.
Books I know you’re going to want!
How can I be so sure? Because I already have my copies and LOVE them.
Come back tomorrow. Enter to win one of her FOUR Christian Mama’s Guides!
Yes, you heard me. Erin has offered to give away a copy of each book. She’s pretty amazing like that.
Remember, come back tomorrow to enter her FREE giveaway AND you’ll learn quite a few things not too many people know about Erin. Once you get to know her, you’ll definitely want to read her books.
I know I did!
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