Is there something in your heart to do? Have you silenced that still, small voice that once upon a time pleaded; Just try. You can do this thing. Have you buried your calling, shoved aside a dream that begged to be lived out?
Three years ago, God gave me a promise. You are going to write a book for Me. It wasn’t audible, but it was clear. God confirmed over and over and over again, using His word to tell me what I would do.
I would write for Him. Once my writing was complete, I would share what I’d written publicly. Unfortunately, as is my nature, I ignored, argued and even questioned His promise.
Lord, forgive me, but do you realize who you’re talking to? This is me, remember? I’m a wife and a mom,end of story. I’m too busy with that calling. I’m disorganized, forgetful, and don’t even know where to start. I am not able. I don’t have the credentials. I barely have time to clean the bathrooms. I don’t know enough about grammar. I can’t.
Then came His answer. You’re right. You can’t, but I can.
Yesterday, one of God’s most precious promises to me was released publicly. My book, Just Too Busy, was launched into the world. When I checked the ranking last it was listed in the top 100 books for parenting today. (Never underestimate the power of family and friends to alter an Amazon ranking!) Thankful tears have come quite easy this week. Requests to speak publicly at women’s events are making their way to me as well, just like He promised: I recite my composition concerning the King.
Friends, promises are God’s specialty. Depending on who you talk to, there are between 3,000 and 8,000 promises in the Bible. No matter which camp you fall under, promises from God are reserved for His children. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. John 1:12
What promise has He given you lately? What are you arguing and debating Him about? Stop making excuses. Did I just hear you say, I can’t? You’re exactly right, you can’t.
Interested in seeing how this new-author celebrated her book release, head over to my author site.
joanne kraft, just too busy-taking your family on a radical sabbatical, busy mom, christian mom, faith, christian parenting, parenting