Blessed…readers, this summer it will be four years since we began our friendship. This teensy, tiny spot of world wide web has become home to me. Some of you have been with me since my very first post.
I am grateful for your encouragement, your prayers, and your love. For me, blogging has been a blessed tool in God’s hands. After 737 blog posts, I am still in love with blogging – and with all of you.
I made sure to include you when writing my “Acknowledgement” page in my book. I had to. You have been with me from the beginning. Now you can tell your family you’re in a book!
You have laughed with me and cried with me and given me confidence to step out and walk through the next door the Lord opened for me – author.
My book Just Too Busy – Taking Your Family on a Radical Sabbatical will be out in a few short weeks (June 1). Like most authors, I need to have my own space to share about my book, have giveaways, and keep my readers posted about where I’m going to be and where I will be speaking. I would LOVE to hug your neck in person!
So, I have a new site: JoanneKraft.com
Head over and sign up for my MotherLoad newsletter, and RSS feed. I pray it will become a warm place to land for moms; devotions, tips, book reviews, and freebies galore.
This week over there, I am hosting a $30 Starbuck’s gift card giveaway! All you have to do is blog about my new site and follow along on my Facebook page.
I will be including excerpts from my book over there this week, and as the time draws near for my book launch there will be lots of fun visitors and shenannigans going on.
My book trailer? It’s over on my Facebook page.
Blessed is she who believed what the Lord said to her would be accomplished.
Luke 1:45