So…what is it you’re doing for your Bible study in 2009? How about your daily reading? Are you doing anything different for your daily devotion time?
I am still undeclared as to which Bible study I will participate in this year. I LOVE women’s Bible studies and being a natural born zealot, I would attend three a day if I could!
For now, my daily time in the Word will include, a chapter from the Old and New Testament and a Psalm. I also read the devotion of the day from my Streams in the Desert book and I’ve included a devotion from a book my dad and step mom gave me called Precious Gems, that includes the study of a Greek word each day. I have begun a new prayer journal to jot down my hearts requests. This is only my second year that I have kept a prayer journal, and I highly recommend it!
Friends, if you have never read through your Bible, I encourage you to make 2009 the year you succeed. If reading it from cover to cover seems a bit overwhelming, go out and get yourself a Chronological Bible. My husband and I read through the Bible that way a few years ago. What a blessing that was.
So, is this the year the year you are committing to read through your Bible again, or for the first time?
What is your time in the Word routine?
What Bible study are you doing this year?
Cmon’, throw us a bone and fill us all in!
momstheword says
SharonB says
Beth in NC says
Lisa writes... says
Elizabeth M Thompson says
Growin' with it! says
maudie-mae says
AlaneM says
Paula (SweetPea) says
Angie says
Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates says
a portland granny says
luelue1971 says
A Stone Gatherer says
Greg C says