Three reasons why you need to vote on Tuesday.
1. As Christians,we need to make our voices heard in the country God has blessed us with.
2. The freedom to vote is an honor and a privilege, period.
3. We need to cancel out our relatives votes.
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil.3:20
Friends, don’t let the twenty four hour media or even the outcome of Tuesday’s vote get you down. Remember, our citizenship is in Heaven. Jesus Christ is our commander in chief and He will reign forever.
No matter who is nominated president or who controls the house or the senate, God works all things out for the good, for those who love Him, those who are called according to his purpose.
His will be done.
Melanie says
beeeeeeeee says
Sara@ Butterville says
Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates says
Kelly says
Mari says
Sith Esq. says
beloved Mama says
Renee says
Chelle' says
Cheri says
Anonymous says
Kelly says
Aly says
A Stone Gatherer says
Melanie says
Amy says