Apparently, a snowfall at 5am can be heard by children in California.This native California family has all the best in snow gear. My stalker-walker friend Gina, even talked me into walking in the snowy-slushy-mess. This picture is for you Roger (Gina's never-sits-down-for-a-second-dad)...I'm not such a wimp after all right? Remember, you said I … [Read more...]
Our Annual ‘Why we don’t live in the snow-trip.’
Have you ever gone to the pet store with your children and held a new puppy? The kids were all around begging you to take this adorable little creature home with you? And maybe like me, you were smitten...for that moment, and took the puppy home. Only hours later wondering to yourself, "What in the world was I thinking?!?"That is how it is every … [Read more...]