My girlfriend, Stephanie Shott from The Mom Initiative, sent me these photos recently. These adorable mamas are from Florida. Over FORTY gals have been reading through The Mean Mom’s Guide for a whole YEAR.
I mean seriously, is that amazing or what? I’m not even sure how to process that.
Thank You Lord–doesn’t seem enough, ya know?
What I’ll do instead is look at the faces of these precious women who are parenting the next generation, and I’ll pray for them. I’ll thank God that these moms are trying hard to take this mom-thing seriously.
God isn’t looking for perfect mamas. He is looking for mamas willing to walk through the ministry of motherhood day after day with courage–even when we mess up.
How blessed their little people are to have them for their moms.
Heavenly Father, thank you for these women. Thank you for moms (like me) who struggle but who want to do well with the babies you’ve given to us. Help us raise our boys to be mighty men of valor. Help us raise women who run hard after you and who lead in a way that brings you glory and honor. Help us with our marriages. Remind us that our kids are watching. And, Lord, would you erase the mistakes I remember I’ve made and replace them with your grace and the hope of a new day tomorrow?
I love you so Lord.
P.S. Summertime is a great time to gather with your girlfriends and read through The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids! Call up your neighbors (like I did last year) and hang out to learn how to be a better Mean Mom. Download your FREE leader’s guide here.
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