Dear God,
Is this year over, really? Did I make you proud this year? We grew closer, I believe we did.
Forgive me for those moments…ahem…days…ahem…weeks where I doubted and feared. The anxiety that grabbed a hold of me and refused to let go was disappointing to myself and I’m sure to You as well. Remember those talks we had? The tears I shed when I thought my oldest two wouldn’t be coming with us to Tennessee? How about those days my teenage son decided to do things on his own? Remember how I pleaded with You?
You knew all along things would be just fine. You held me and reminded me it would be okay to leave the warm and comfy home I’d raised my babies in for a new place You already had for us. You comforted me when I said good bye to so many I loved. You soothed the pain when others I loved hurt me this year. You breathed the breath of life into my soul when I felt broken. You soothed the pain with your Words of promise when I doubted again what You were doing with our family and the plans I thought were set in stone.
Then there were those mountaintop moments. What joy I had watching my children this year. How in the world did You pick me to raise four of the most incredible kids in the world? I’m humbled by your choice in this crazy parenting plan. It hasn’t been perfect but oh so worth it. They reflect You in so many ways. From catching rattlesnakes with their bare hands to trips to Zimbabwe Africa, my children never cease to amaze me with their thirst for living wild and free.
Thank you for using my words to encourage women and especially moms. You have blessed me so.
Thank you for giving me a partner in Paul that not only gets me but who I desire to be with all the time. You know how much I love to learn and especially how much I love to laugh. He is perfect for me – a brilliant teacher at heart who has such a gift of humor. Thank you again for this godly man I get to do life with.
When I read through our prayer journal of 2012 tears well up and spill onto my cheeks. I am in awe and even perplexed by such a loving and relational God who answered my prayers over and over again. Your faithfulness is miraculous. An eternity of heartfelt thank-you’s will not be long enough.
As the last few hours of 2012 tick tock to a close, I stand ready for the next twelve months with You by my side. I can conquer anything with You. I love you so Lord. Thank you for what You have already done in my life.
I had no idea living alongside You could make this faith journey so incredibly exciting. And, until we meet face to face I plan on living each day as a spiritual thrill seeker determined to plant my foot on every square inch of Promised Land You have for me.
Thank you for the adventure of 2012 – now let’s go have a new one.
Ah, Joanne! Your words are flight to my very soul.
XOXOXO in the New Year!
I think it’s been a good year of growth, Joanne. God is well-pleased with your obedience. Here’s to your new adventure in 2013!