Samuel, our youngest, has been struggling with making friends out here in Tennessee. He’s lived his long, long life of eleven and a half years in California. He’s never had to make friends before. They were collected as he grew, some from preschool, others from grammar school and more from soccer and baseball.
At bedtime he’ll ask me, “When are we moving back home?” Those words cut me like a knife. I encourage him and remind him that God isn’t done showing us what He has for us here. Words of comfort for my sweet boy are often the ones I need to hear most myself.
Yesterday, I let my son go on his PS3 to contact one of his California buddies via webcam. I was sitting in the family room as they updated each other with their junior high lives. But, what cracked me up was when Samuel’s friend gave him some advice on how to accelerate his friend-making techniques.
Ben: First, do something cool in front of them.
Samuel: Like what?
Ben: Do a backflip.
Samuel: I don’t know how to do a backflip.
Ben: Don’t talk too much. When kids at school are talking don’t always have something to say.
Samuel: Alright…
Ben: I know, take Karate classes and share a cool move once in a while.
Samuel: Okay.
Ben: Oh, and learn to moonwalk. Yeah, moonwalking in front of them is cool.
Samuel: So, you’re telling me I need to be a silent-moonwalking-backflipper-with cool Karate moves?
Ben: Yep. Works everytime.
During my interview at Family Life, I had a chance to talk about our Tennessee move with radio host Bob Lepine when we were off the air. He’s moved around the country a bit and understands first-hand how hard it can be. I asked, “When did Little Rock, Arkansas become home to your family?”
“Once our kids made friends at school it always felt more like home. My wife was never settled until every one of our kids were.”
I couldn’t agree more.
This is such a cute post. Poor little Sammy…I’m sure he’ll find friends soon, especially with those super cool new friend moves! 😉
Your brother is such an entertainer, right? xo
I know your momma heart is waiting for Sam & Grace to feel settled before you sink your roots. It will happen – with time. Both your kids are so great in their own ways. Praying for the adjustment period and for peace for you all. Miss you friend ((hugs)).
Thanks Karen. Prayers are MUCH appreciated. Miss you friend!
Isn’t it the truth. We’re never settled until our kids are. It’s a mother’s heart.
And what a big move you’ve had. A bit of culture shock I’m sure. Thanks for stopping by, and you are a kindred spirit indeed.
Praying he makes friends soon, but that conversation was super cute 🙂 (Better not tell him I said that haha!)
Thanks Teresa. I won’t tell him, I promise!