Have we really been married thirteen years? It doesn’t seem possible.
We began a friendship over a police radio in a busy little Bay Area town and I was amazed by how you always knew the answers to everything and of course, your quick wit had me in tears. I will always remember trying to send you a cover unit and how you’d cancel it every time. You infuriated me. It seems so long ago. I am overwhelmed today with a heart of thankfulness to God, for you. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I’d thank you for those things that make me love you most.
• Thank you for telling me I’m beautiful in the morning—even when I’m wearing my flannel green nightgown.
• Thank you for being a father who encourages our children to always ask themselves, “Why not me?” You inspire them to believe in themselves.
• Thank you for making me laugh until my stomach hurts. (Could you wait until after the sermon next time to shoot off your witty one-liners?)
• Thank you for doing the laundry every week.
• Thank you for showing our children that a godly man does read his Bible, lead his family in prayer, and love his wife most of all.
• Thank you for getting up early for farmers markets, garage sales, and walks to Caffe Santoro’s.
• Thank you for explaining government jargon and politics over and over again.
• Thank you for working two jobs so I can focus on being a wife and mother, and for not getting angry when I don’t focus on cleaning the refrigerator or the shower.
• Thank you for listening to me go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about whatever may have hurt my feelings.
• Thank you for putting the seat down…everytime.
Paul, I wish I were a better writer. I have so much I want to tell you, so much love I want to convey to you. (I bet you’re glad I’m lacking for words right about now.) I can’t imagine living a moment without you. If I were given one wish, I’d ask for a way to slow time down. I want to appreciate every minute with you.
I guess the greatest compliment about our marriage came from Meghan the other day, “Mom, you and Dad have a great marriage. The more I get to see other marriages, the more I realize how amazing yours is, even my friends think so.”
Time has raced by fast and furious, dragging us along for the most exhilarating ride of our lives. It hasn’t been perfect, but we’ve faced it together and with God charting our course we’ve been able to conquer it all.
I love you so much sweetheart and can’t wait to spend time with you at our opthomologist appointments this morning.
We are getting old, aren’t we?
For all of my blog-friends out there…make sure to share at least one thing you LOVE about your husband today!