I LOVE getting to know all of you girls. I have so many questions I’d love to ask you. If only we could have a chat over coffee…I’d have tea…and a cinnamon roll, or two.
If I have questions, does that mean I’m nosey? Well, I’m going to ask anyway.
I promise to return the favor and allow you to ask me a few yourself.
First me. What Bible study are you gals doing this year? If you’ve read Blessed… for more than a few days, you know how much I love me my women’s Bible studies.
This fall I’m doing “The Patriarchs – Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” by Beth Moore. Just started last week. I had to hold back tears during the first video, where Beth explains the meanings of the names of God.
Am I pathetic, or what?
What about you? What study are you girls doing? What study are you thinking about doing?
Was that too nosey? Then let me be the first to open up the lines for any questions you may have about me. Go ahead and fire away. I can take it!
I have a surprise gift for the best question.
Hmmm…maybe this isn’t my best blog-post idea.
Remember how much I adore you girls and play nice now.