I was at work last night, pulling a graveyard shift. (7pm-7am) After a pretty busy evening, the city I work for finally gave us a few moments of peace. Around 1:00am our 911 line rang. I had no idea that what awaited me on the other side of the ringing line was to be one of the sweetest calls I’ve ever received.
Me: 911 Emergency
Male Caller: My wife is giving birth to our baby. (sounding a little out of breath)
Me: What is your address?
Male Caller: (gives me his home address)
Me: Sir, stay on the line with me while I transfer you to the fire department.
For the next five minutes I was privy to the most beautiful call of my career. I stayed on the line as the fire dispatcher gave pre-arrival instructions. I was a silent witness to both the caller and his wife as they quickly worked together to bring their baby daughter into the world.
The cries of new life pierced the early morning hour, as I whispered a silent prayer of thanks.
And wept along with her.
I love my job.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
—Psalm 139:16