I’m convinced that the World Wide Web doesn’t feel so very world wide at all. I have made so many dear encouraging friends in the blogoshphere. I now have friends in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, Maryland, Tennessee, Singapore, Georgia, New Jersey…the list is long!
A few months ago, while talking with a blog friend from California, Genny from My Cup to Yours, we realized we lived only a few miles apart. We decided we just had to meet at Starbucks. She is such a love. It was Genny who got me my writing job at Faith Lifts, and who also tried to teach me how to add Diggit to my blog, which I still don’t fully understand, by the way. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. It was such a blessing to get to talk to another aspiring blogger and writer. I was even more impressed that she never told me that the shirt I was wearing made me look eight months pregnant and she didn’t even share on her blog that it took me forever to get her the pictures of us together.
Yep, she’s pretty cool.
***And I’m just a little bit curious, have any of you met your blog friends in person? If you haven’t, who would you meet if you could?***