Friends, today I'm thrilled to introduce a guest to my website, Stephanie Shott. She has her finger on the pulse of mommyhood. Her words will ring true to anyone who has toddlers or even teenagers. If you haven't stopped by her ministry The Mom Initiative maybe today's the day you should. Better yet, why not start a mom mentoring group in your … [Read more...]
Angel Encounter
Call it mother's intuition, call it logic, I believe it was divine intervention—I knew without a doubt my daughter had jumped in. I yelled above the Beach Boys music, my words laced with fear. “Paul, I think Gracie went on that ride!” I pointed in the direction I thought she'd headed, running away from him and toward the ride at the same time. … [Read more...]
Overtired? Overworked? Try Overflow!
Yesterday morning, my pastor got up and shared how he was visiting with dear friends the night before and couldn’t help but see an overwhelming consensus among the crowd. They were all tired and weary—every single one of them. He wondered out loud during his sermon if the consensus was the same among all of us in the … [Read more...]
Harvest TV Interview – A whirlwind week!
Let me just say, these past few weeks have been an incredible whirlwind! I flew out of Nashville yesterday and headed to South Bend, Indiana for the Harvest TV show this morning. My first time to ever stay in a hotel alone - oddly nice. I'll be catching a cab in a few minutes to get to my interview at Lesea Broadcasting. Once I'm done there, … [Read more...]
A First For Me
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2 As a first time mom, there wasn’t anywhere I went without words of been-there-done-that-wisdom showered on me. Grocery stores, the cleaners, sidelines at my kid’s sports events, all became classrooms for colic, ear infections, and potty training lessons. I … [Read more...]