Two years. That's how long mom suffered. She passed away on a pretty spring day in April. "I can't decide between Fall or Spring. I love them both." Mom used to say. "She's gone." Two tiny words with the power to cut my heart in half. The only ones I can make out through my sister's sobs. Paul and I drove in silence. I looked … [Read more...]
Happy Mother’s Day Friends!
First off, let me wish all of you moms and future moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day.I will be getting up with my family to make the early service at church, then we're off to my mother in law's for lunch. That should be fun. I've been blessed with a wonderful Step-mom, Linda, and mother-in-law, Jane. I'm working on Sunday evening from 11pm - … [Read more...]
Paradise Bakery
The Paradise Bakery sign at the mall made my heart sink. "Didn't all of these bakeries close down?" I thought to myself. Like a magnet, this corner food spot with the fresh baked goods draws me near. As my feet lead me to the bakery, my mind transports me back to my past, twenty-five years, fifteen years, even ten years ago and I'm walking up to a … [Read more...]
Fulfill Your Ministry..
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 2Timothy 4:5I can't begin to tell you how many times I have to be reminded of my ministry. My heart and hands take off in so many directions, towards almost every bright and shiny thing that comes along. "Is this your will for me God?" "Oh, … [Read more...]
Children to the right of me-Children to the left of me…
When my children started to wear on my last nerve, at around 8:15am this morning. (Hey, cut me some mom-slack, I am far from perfect). I told them they had to spend the day outside. Our weather isn't too bad yet, it is around 47 degrees and the 'big' storm had not arrived. I knew that I had a small window of 'outside' opportunity before we are … [Read more...]