Blessed...readers, this summer it will be four years since we began our friendship. This teensy, tiny spot of world wide web has become home to me. Some of you have been with me since my very first post. I am grateful for your encouragement, your prayers, and your love. For me, blogging has been a blessed tool in God's hands. After … [Read more...]
9 Weeks Until Publication – Just Too Busy
There are some things I believe we are born to do, purposed to become. For me, motherhood is the magical adventure that keeps each day a spirited, spunky, surprise.As a little girl, I wrote in my brown leather diary and kept journals my mother always seemed to find.Motherhood and writing. Who knew God would bring the love of both together, like … [Read more...]
Food Wishes and Busy Mom Dishes!
Busy moms, listen up. Have I got a site for you. My girlfriend turned me on to Food Wishes. Have you seen this website or youtube channel? I'm hooked!I'm a true blue Paula Deen fan, and this site has a lot of recipes like hers. (Except, not all with a pound of butter. Darn.) The recipes are easy to understand, with ingredients I can find at my … [Read more...]
A Girlfriend’s "How did you meet story"
There's a silent bond that grows, the moment you step into a nursing mother's room. Every Sunday morning, like clockwork, I'd enter the place where new mother's gathered. Rows of rocking chairs, baby swings, and partially clad women-too tired to button up their blouses, sat with exhausted smiles of welcome. It's there I met two dear ladies.Caroline … [Read more...]
I know you’re here because I can smell you!
As Meg started climbing up a hill, she nervously began to grind her gears and ride her breaks. The thick smell of burning brake pad soon filled the tiny car. “Meghan, what the...” “Mom! I don't need your help. I have driven a stick-shift before.” Fear fueled her anger, which fueled mine. Once, we were driving again on flat roads I asked her, … [Read more...]