The older gentleman sat at the end of the table talking non-stop to the young girl on her laptop. Paul and I joined the table with our coffees and the intention to get a little work done at the coffee shop. This sweet man would have none of that--it was important for introductions all around. Within minutes we were having a delightful … [Read more...]
5 Tips for (ALMOST) FREE Christmas Fun
When you have a house full of kids, you learn how to have a little fun without breaking the bank. When Christmas rolls around you might be like me and have the same thoughts you have the other twelve months of the year. What can we do together to make this (birthday, Christmas, summer) fun -- and how can we do it on the cheap? Here's 5 things … [Read more...]
Is Santa Bringing Your Child a Cell Phone? {Printable Cell Phone Contract}
You've finally gone and done it. You believed what your teenager said about being "the only kid in his school" who doesn't have a phone. They wore you down. All the terrible research about kids and phones became white noise. You told yourself, "I can put parental settings in place." You ignored Chapter Fifteen of The Mean Mom's Guide and … [Read more...]
Does Christmas Feel Different?
Does this Christmas feel different? Are you trying with all your might by-golly and refusing to succumb to the changes? Come hell or high water you’re going to hang that wreath in the same place, put up the tree in the same corner of the family room, send out the same annual Christmas letter if it kills you!? One of the things … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Dinner Fun – Free Printables
When it comes to Thanksgiving there's one thing that can chap my hide. You spend at least two days grocery shopping and hours cooking and cleaning to lay out this gargantuan feast on the table... And, we're done eating in about 15 minutes. I do my best to keep my family seated for a lot longer. Over the years we've incorporated a few fun … [Read more...]
Take the Mean Mom Cellphone Challenge
Are you up for a challenge? Can you stop a bad habit cold turkey? How about your kids--could they? Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I love this holiday. It's hands-down my favorite. Why? Because it's all about family and food and maybe some football. Nothing more than that. I've learned it's important NOT to add unrealistic … [Read more...]
Keep It Simple This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is only one week away. My advice? Begin making your shopping list today. Don't wait until the last minute. I've done that before--LOTS OF TIMES--and it doesn't work. When you sit down and figure out all you need to make for the table -- STOP. It's not that no one cares, because they do, it's just that we spend way too … [Read more...]
Bible Verses For Moms (Who Know Too Much) This Election Week
Let's be honest. This election has been brutal. If you pay attention to politics, like I do, these last ten months have been excruciating. As a mom who finds herself predisposed to anxiety (Thanks Mom.), election day couldn't come soon enough. If there was a way to close my eyes and wake up thirty-six hours from now I would. But, from what … [Read more...]
Teach Thankfulness with A Thanksgiving Tablecloth – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
Any mom worth her weight in diapers knows the first words we teach our child are thank you. I can still see my chubby toddlers taking cookies from the hand of their great-grandma and quickly walking away. No matter which child it was, they were NOT predisposed to use the two words we'd rehearsed for months. I'd scoop each one up and bring them … [Read more...]
The One Thing I Do Every Sunday Morning – 30 Days of Fall Devotions
"Look both ways before crossing the street." "Eat your carrots." "Did you say thank you?" I've said these words more than I care to admit. I try to be faithful in teaching my kids the importance of safety, good health and proper manners. And of God's blueprint for their lives. Selflessness, obedience, defense of the weak — over the years, we've … [Read more...]
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