There are some things I believe we are born to do, purposed to become. For me, motherhood is the magical adventure that keeps each day a spirited, spunky, surprise.
As a little girl, I wrote in my brown leather diary and kept journals my mother always seemed to find.
Motherhood and writing. Who knew God would bring the love of both together, like chocolate and peanut-butter…a deliciously perfect combination.
Brushing my teeth one evening, I yelled back at my husband who was reading in bed. “Paul, I’m going to write a book one day.”
Getting no answer, I yelled through my garbled mouthful of toothpaste and spit for emphasis, just in case he hadn’t heard me.
“Paul. Did you hear me? I said, I’m going to write a book one day. Do you believe me?”
“Yes. I believe you.” He yelled back. “You’ll do anything to keep from cleaning the house.”
Excerpt from Just too Busy – Taking You’re Family on a Radical Sabbatical
My to-do list for the next nine weeks looks a little like this:
- Go over galley copy with the eyes of a hawk – search for every teeny, tiny, microscopic typo.
- Get my author site up and running. Begin posting excerpts on a daily basis.
- Post author site link to my Facebook page and Twitter account via Hootsuite.
- Work on leader’s guide to put up on author site in downloadable pdf format.
- Work on newsletter for author site.
- Write press releases for Pitch Engine site.
- Gather blog review list for Beacon Hill.
- Write blog tour letter begging for marketing help.
- Query magazine editors with article possibilities.
- Mail postcards to local women’s ministry and MOPS groups.
- Print off labels to stick onto postcards with contact info before mailing.
- Work on story; Finding Grace, being published in Popcorn Miracles book and resend to editor.
- Remember to care for my family, make dinners, work my hours at the police department, get Samuel’s birthday gift for Saturday, grocery shop for his favorite foods and Austin Cream Pie, order glass for french doors going in, mail Susan’s article critiques, find paint colors for painter coming next week, go to Lowe’s and purchase cabinet refinishing kit and practice on my laundry room, pickup wood to replace front porch railings, order Grace’s yearbook, pickup large bag of pretzels at Costco for David, sign Samuel up for soccer, clean up bonus room for Meghan’s visit over Easter break, figure out which day to begin Bible study with girls at work.
I hear someone wrote a book about being Just Too Busy. I may have to read it.