Dear Mom-who’s-already-dreading-summer, Does the thought of having all the kids home make you break out into a cold sweat? Are you already dreading soccer practices, swim lessons, and your job as their summer social director? Struggling with feeling like an epic failure because you’re fantasizing about months of doing nothing while your … [Read more...]
What Our Family Sabbatical Taught Us – 10 Years Later
It's been 10 years. Hard to believe. This week I was on Focus on the Family sharing about the year that changed everything. It was January 2007 when we completed our one year radical sabbatical. What does that mean? It means I was frazzled, exhausted and discouraged. I recognized our family was being held hostage by busyness. We were … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Encourage a Single Mom
Whenever I speak at women’s events, I love people watching. The joy in the room is contagious. Women are giddy to be away from home and work and kids and laundry ...and did I say laundry? I always wonder who the single moms are. Which mom in the audience carries the heaviest burden alone? Who is missing because she’s working overtime or couldn’t … [Read more...]
Single Moms Raise Great Kids, Too
According to a recent article in the New York Times, “41 percent of births in the United States occur outside marriage, up sharply from 17 percent three decades ago.” Research further suggests, these moms experience higher rates of poverty and depression. That’s a staggering number of women with children, minus a husband, out there trying to make … [Read more...]
Help! I Don’t Like My Child.
Very few mothers breathe these words out loud and even fewer would admit to entertaining these thoughts on more than one occasion --I just don’t like my child. It goes against all the syrupy mommy-goodness we’ve been taught. We’re reminded on each Pinterest-perfect mom-blog exactly how to do things perfectly, dress your kids like … [Read more...]