Dear Mom-who’s-already-dreading-summer, Does the thought of having all the kids home make you break out into a cold sweat? Are you already dreading soccer practices, swim lessons, and your job as their summer social director? Struggling with feeling like an epic failure because you’re fantasizing about months of doing nothing while your … [Read more...]
The House that Built Me
Two years. That's how long mom suffered. She passed away on a pretty spring day in April. "I can't decide between Fall or Spring. I love them both." Mom used to say. "She's gone." Two tiny words with the power to cut my heart in half. The only ones I can make out through my sister's sobs. Paul and I drove in silence. I looked … [Read more...]
Our Back to School Tradition
"What's your plans this week?" I ask my two youngest teenagers. Grace answers first, "I'm free on Wednesday morning." "Why?" Samuel asks, concerned I'm going to give him chores to do, I'm sure of it. "Because, I want to take you each out for coffee ( Translation: a decaf milk shake), it's time to set our school goals." The kids start school … [Read more...]
5 – Fifteen Minute Summer Sabbaticals with Kids
“Mom, I'm bored!" Three tiny words that hold the power to make the most even-tempered parent lose their cool. My husband usually responds this way, "You're bored because you're boring." He's such a cool drink on a hot summer's day. This photo was taken last summer when my four were hanging out. I LOVE to take LOTS of photos in the summer. … [Read more...]
Before and After
Before our eight-week marriage study....and after.HomeBuilder marriage studies. We highly recommend them. … [Read more...]