I just returned a few days ago from a speaking engagement in California surrounded by lots of dear friends. It was so nice to see family, too, before returning home. Just the shot in the arm God knew I
needed. There’s nothing better than taking selfies with a 95 year old beauty. I LOVED seeing my Grandma.
This Tuesday I’m boarding a plane once again. This time I’ll be heading to Little Rock, Arkansas to tape an interview with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine in their Family Life Today studio. They’re going to be asking me about my new book The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids.
Your prayers are MUCH appreciated.
Our family had the incredible privilege of meeting these ministry folks a few years ago when my first book Just Too Busy came out. (Listen to those interviews HERE.) Our family arrived in Tennessee just weeks before and took a road trip there. It was amazing to tape in the studio while Paul and the kids gave moral support and watched from the sound booth.
This time I’m flying solo.
We’ve taken the kids out of school so much this year our youngest son, Samuel, received a truancy warning notice from his junior high. Not sure exactly what that means or what they plan to do with an honor roll student who’s absent a lot, but I don’t want to make things harder on him. Grace is not enjoying Chemistry as it is so missing classes won’t help her either.
We decided it best I go it alone this time around.
The Family Life producer, Tonda, (who is a sweetheart) emailed me my itinerary which not only included travel times and hotel stay but also who will be joining Dennis Rainey, Bob Lepine and I for lunch before taping… I about fell off my chair.
Francis and Lisa Chan
Someone please pinch me.
When I reread my email I raced into Paul’s office and stammered, “Guess WHO is taping with Family Life the very same day I’m there AND joining us for lunch!?”
“I give. Who?”
“FRANCIS and LISA flippin Chan!”
“Perfect.” Paul said, “Exactly how you should introduce yourself. So nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Francis FLIPPIN Chan.”
Pastor Chan is not aware of the fact that I not only enjoyed his book Crazy Love, but our oldest daughter attended his college alma mater and I listen to his sermons when I work on projects around the house. I’m usually clearing out my dishwasher and mopping the kitchen in the company of Dennis Rainey, Bob Lepine, Jim Daly and John Fuller; I work on BIG house projects in the company of Francis Chan. He was the voice that spurred me on to paint David’s bedroom in blue and brown with a way cool metal trim.
Eating lunch with Dennis, Bob and Francis…well, I may just break out the cleaning supplies and paint brush.
Wouldn’t that be awkward.
I’m encouraged to do BIG things for Jesus (not just paint walls) when I listen to Francis Chan. He’s passionate about God’s word and encourages me to be passionate, too. If you’re feeling you may be living a lukewarm faith, then he is the go-to man to preach it to you straight.
Our son, Samuel, heard the commotion between his father and I and walked in, “You’re meeting JACKIE CHAN? COOL.”
“Um, no, son…Francis Chan.”
My adorable husband looked up from his office desk and said, “Actually, Francis and Lisa Chan get to meet Joanne Kraft.”
Yeah, he’s a keeper.
I admit I don’t get nervous around celebrities. I really don’t and there’s A LOT of them around Nashville. But, put me in a room with men and women who LOVE Jesus and LIVE to make a difference for HIM this side of Heaven? Those kinds of folks?
Yeah, that affects me.
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