Last week while I was cleaning my kitchen I brought in my shiny red laptop. I wanted to search for something interesting that would keep my mind off of my task of cleaning the tile-jam (that’s toe-jam, except in between tile). I HATE TILE. But I digress. I’ll bore you with that dark little secret another time.
I found myself at the Focus on the Family site. As always, Dr. Dobson and his program didn’t disappoint. Well known pastor and author Alistair Begg was the guest speaker this day and his topic of discussion was Searching for a Godly Spouse – Part 1 and 2.
No, I am not searching for a Godly spouse. Not today anyway. But I did find myself drawn to this teaching. It was a good refresher course for me. I made breakfast for Paul. Later that morning we sat and listened together (while stuffing our mouths with eggs and sausage). He enjoyed it just as much. No, not just the sausage, the message too.
We both decided our oldest two kids needed to hear this.
Today we shared this wonderful and timeless message with our teenage daughter and teenage son. We had them take notes. Afterwards we had a quick Q and A time, just the four of us. We asked them to share with us anything that really stuck out to them. We had an amazing discussion.
Though our daughter is seventeen and our son is fourteen and their spouses are nowhere in the picture yet, Praise God, we made sure to share with them that they are able to take this exact criteria and choose good friends in their high school as well.
If you are interested in listening too, head on over to Focus on the Family, click on the Broadcasts and Podcasts on the left side of the main page, then click on Listen Now and then find the teachings “Searching for a Godly Spouse 1 & 2” – shared on February 9th and 10th.
Whenever I hear an amazing teaching, I have to pass it on!