Being a self proclaimed ‘Last-Minute-Lil’ has been a genetic trait of mine for as long as I can remember. I grew up with a sweet mother who rushed around completing any task only moments and sometimes even seconds before her deadlines.
Her legacy continues…
Our 3rd grader had a lovely school book report due today. We were given a full month to complete this task. Did we take our time working on this project when we could have done so in a peaceful and stress-free way?
Of course not.
That would have taken all the fun out of it.
We decided to do it yesterday afternoon…the day before it was due.
And to add I believe, a bit of sinister joy on the teachers part, we were asked to make this book report on a cereal box.
My cereal box job behind me, breathing a huge sigh of relief, it was almost time for our children to head to bed. Since it was Sunday night, I called to my youngest to bring me his Friday folder to peruse.
What, you actually look over your children’s Friday work on Friday’s?
Not us ‘Last-Minute-Lil’s’.
If we were to do that, then we wouldn’t have the joy of being mind-blowingly surprised from time to time.
Like I was last night.
With only ten minutes before the kids bedtime I discovered that my darling youngest was no less than ‘Star of the Week’ this week. What does that mean, some of you may ask? It meant that I was now working with my son on his own artistic adaptation of himself.
…and this son is NOT artistic.
Out came the pens and paints..yet again.
Ahhhh the joys of last minute mothering!